Guitar Concerto No. 1 (full score, guitar part)
Orchestra; duration:  15'08"
To purchase the full score & guitar part, the "buy now" button on the left will bring you to a secured website where you can pay with PayPal or a major credit card such as VISA or Master card. The electronic version of the parts in PDF will be emailed to you within 24-48 hours upon receiving the amount of payment shown on the right.

This purchase is for the full score and guitar part only. The other parts are sold separately for $468.
US$ 238.00

Guitar concerto No. 1 (Remembrance of Hometown) was recorded on July 1, 2018 in Croatia, performed by Guitarist Pedro Ribeiro Rodrigues and Croatian Chamber Orchestra with Miran Vaupotić conducting. The piece has been incuded in a CD entitled "Beneath the Tide" produced by PARMA Recordings.

Guitar Concerto No. 1 (Rememberance of Hometown)

Program Note

This piece is a single movement guitar concerto. It was written at the time when the composer moved to a foreign country and missed her hometown. The motif came from the Hengchun folksong "Nostalgia", which is a tune originated from the southern countryside of Taiwan and fitted with many different lyrics. The concerto begins with a guitar solo overture, playing a melancholic melody to express homesickness. The structure is based on an overture-rondo-coda form. The music changes back and forth from sections of melodic mourning to sections of atonal suppressed screaming, which reflects ambivalence of the nostalgic thoughts and the mindset of helplessness as a traveller.

2, 2, 2, 2, 2 Hn. 2 Trp. 1 Timp. 1 Per. Gtr. Str.

第一號吉他協奏曲   (故鄉的回憶)


此曲為單一樂章吉他協奏曲, 是作曲者旅居異國時因思念家鄉而創作的, 動機來自恆春民謠【思想起】的曲調, 樂曲由吉他獨奏的一段序曲來開展, 彈奏富有思愁悠然的旋律來表示思鄉情愁, 整首樂曲結構為序曲-輪旋曲式- 結尾所形成, 從旋律式的哀愁吟唱到無調的仰鬱吶喊的反覆遊走, 顯現對 故鄉的濃厚鄉愁思緒, 也無奈於他鄉異客的矛盾心境。