Heritage of Hakka (parts)
Orchestra; duration:  11'30"
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This purchase is for the parts only. The full score are sold separately for $198.
US$ 568.00


This piece was world-premiered on October 13, 2018 at the opening ceremony of the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), performed by the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra and the Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra with Wen-Pin Chien conducting.

"Heritage of Hakka" – Program Note

Hakka means guest in Chinese. Hakka people is a subgroup of the Chinese originating from northern China in the Han Dynasty (202 BC– 220 AD). Due to social and political upheavals and frequent invasions from the northern tribes, for centuries Hakka people have continued their migrations to southern China and, nowadays, to various corners of the world. Persevering spirits and Hakka dialects are among the heritage of Hakka. As new comers to a territory Hakka people usually had to farm in mountain areas where local people cared not to use. Hakka people made up mountain songs to entertain themselves as they worked hard in the fields. Mountain songs were also a means to express admirations and to exchange love messages among young men and women. This piece is for symphony orchestra with four percussions. Hakka mountain songs are used as motifs. The music depicts the journey of Hakka ancestors over the mountains and cross the oceans to the island of Taiwan. Constant hardships were overcome by unbreakable spirits, positive attitudes, and music. This piece is a symphonic poem in a single-movement sonata form.

3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 1, Timp., Perc. I, II, III, IV, Harp, Strings

《客家薪傳》– 樂曲解說

客家人源自於漢朝時代的中國北方(公元前202年至公元後220年)。 由於社會和政治動蕩和北方外族的頻襲,幾十個世紀來客家人持續遷移到中國南部各地, 如今,已遍及到世界各個角落。堅毅不拔的精神和客家方言是客家薪傳的主軸。 作為新移民,客家人通常必須在當地人不屑耕作的山區地開墾。在堅苦的農務中, 客家人唱山歌以自娛。山歌也是青年男女表達愛慕和傳達情意的方法。 本曲為大型管弦樂加四個打擊樂的作品,以客家山歌為創作元素。 描述客家祖先翻山越嶺飄洋過海到台灣開墾的甘苦。一個接一個的 困難靠著不屈不撓的精神,積極的態度,和音樂而克服。 此曲為單一樂章奏鳴曲式交響詩。