Red Moon (parts)
Wind orchestra; duration:  7'55"
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This purchase is for the parts only. The full score is sold separately for $128.
US$ 368.00

This piece has been awarded the winner of the 2010 NSO Call for Score and 2016 ERNST BACON AWARD (semi-finalist)
World premiere of "Red Moon", performed by the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) at the National Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan on April 24, 2010 with Günther Herbig conducting.

"Red Moon" won the first NSO Call for Score and was selected as part of the repertoire in Maestro Herbig's International Conducting Workshop, April 5-11, 2010. This piece was inspired by the Chinese legend of lunar eclipse: "The Flying Dog Ate the Moon." According to legend, Mu-Lian (Maudgalyayana) was one of Buddha's favorite disciples. He was very kind and obedient to his mother. But his mother was an evil person. When she died, the Jade Emperor in heaven turned her into a dog and sent her to hell. Mu-Lian used his tin staff to break open the gate of hell and freed his mother. But his mother sought revenge and flew to heaven. Unable to find the Jade Emperor, the flying dog ate the moon and the sun, turning the world to complete darkness. The piece consists of three parts: 1) Mu-Lian breaking the gate of hell, 2) the escape of the flying dog, and 3) the flying dog eating the moon.
Picc., 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2,1, Timp. Per. I, II, III, harp. Str.

此曲為2010年 NSO Call for Score 首演計劃首獎作品。並於同年的4月 5日至11日根特赫比希的指揮大師班將此曲列為指定曲目。此曲於2010年 4月24日由根特 赫比希率領國家交響樂團在台北國家音樂廳世界首演。

此曲的靈感來自中國的月蝕傳奇"天狗吃月" 。傳說中有位叫目連的公子, 天性善良孝順 但卻有一位生性暴戾的母親, 由於其母為惡多端, 死後玉皇大帝把她變成一隻狗並打入 地獄, 目連為了救母, 用錫杖打開地獄之門救出母親, 但母不知悔改, 逃到天上找玉皇大 帝算帳, 但卻未能找到, 反而把月亮和太陽吃掉, 讓世界陷入一片黑暗。本曲描述分為三 部分: 1. 目連打開地獄之門 2. 天狗逃獄 3. 天狗食月