Wind City Symphony Poem  (full score)
Wind orchestra; duration: 22'02"
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US$ 318.00

Wind City Symphony Poem was commissioned by the Hsinchu Wind Orchestra and  world-premiered at the Hsinchu Culture Center on April 9, 2006 with Prof. Lian-Chang Kuo conducting. It consists of  six movements with a total duration of [22’02”]:
  I. Wind Talk [6’27”]
 II. Tanya Festival [2’29”]
 III. The View of Farm Field [2’07”]
 IV. God Bless All [3’12”]
  V. Fantasy World [3’45”]  
 VI. Science [4’42”]

Program Notes

The piece was based on the impressions from a journey to the Hsinchu City. The 1st Mov. “Wind Talk” - Different dimensions of resonance are created by means of self-vibrating, merging, contradicting, revealing, and vanishing. Their inner diversions, dispersions, and variations into all directions support the expansion of music, like conversation of the wind. In this way, Many features of the wind are represented in this work. The 2nd Mov. “Tayal Festival” - The melody was traditional of the Tayal tribe of Taiwan. It was sung for their ilsin, which was akin to a New Year celebration and involved the whole community. Its purpose was to venerate the spirits and tribal ancestors at the end of the year as a way of thanking them for their protection and praying for a plentiful harvest and good fortune in the year ahead. The 3rd Mov. “The View of Farm Field” - It’s a continuation from the previous movement. It describes the life in the farm field in the traditional Taiwanese agricultural society. This movement is joyfully and the melody derives from the song, ”farm field”, by Dr.Yang Jau Jen. The 4th Mov. “God Bless All” - Ritual activities are being performed all over the world in different forms for different cultures. This movement illustrates the most commonly seen ceremonial celebrations with percussion and flutes, oboes, and realizes the various sensations of the ritual. This introduces fast and variable rhythms with tom-toms, congos and bongos, sometimes high, sometime low, and sometimes exhilarating. A unique characteristic of this piece is that bold shouts are added to express exuberance in the performance. The 5th Mov. “Fantasy World” - The motivation comes from Hsinchu’s glass industry and the admiration for glass arts. The imagination of a fantasy would develops by emphasizing the glass sounds. At the beginning, two glockenspiels are used to express a fantasy world of glass. The main structural material of the piece is the cycling and transforming of various types of intervals, giving colors and meanings to the piece. The 6th Mov. “Science” - The concluding theme is science and technology, a celebration of Taiwan’s vitality. The essential feature of the composition lies in the complex and ornate inter covering of many musical parts moving simultaneously. A cheerful melody emerges as the music reaches a concluding climax.




  • 第一樂章“風的絮語 ” 描寫新竹的風,每一聲部皆代表風的粒子,音樂由 這些各個不同粒子產生的樂響所引出,藉由不同聲響間自我振動,在相融、相斥、顯露,消失,產生空間 上的共振,樂曲的擴張,由聲響本身的內在細分、支解、分離、變質,發展成全向狀態,有如風的對話, 時而鼓動,時而細語,時而呢喃,時而喧囂等。
  • 第二樂章“泰雅歡樂情 ” 此樂章為泰雅族舉行收穫祭慶典活動的歡樂情形, 旋律為泰雅族民謠,族人藉由歌舞之表達方式來感謝神賜給他們一年之豐收,同時也祈求來年保護他們有 好的收成。
  • 第三樂章“農家風光 ” 此樂章和前樂章是一氣呵成的,旋律來自 楊兆禎教授的歌曲“農家好”,描寫傳統農業社會中農家在工作閒暇的生活記趣。
  • 第四樂章“神佑吾民 ” 描寫新竹的城隍廟於歲時舉行民俗祭典活動的情形, 樂曲開場的大鼓即興演出,引出吹管樂器的出現,象徵人神共舞祈求人人平安,這種敬天,奉神、祀祖、 祭鬼的古老歷史傳承,已成為這個城市豐厚的文化資產。
  • 第五樂章“夢幻晶瑩的世界 ” 描述新竹的玻璃工業,樂曲以一段鋼片琴 奏出的夢幻音響樂音作為導引,之後進入較吵雜的樂段,象徵玻璃工廠裡的作業情形,此樂段打擊樂器的 玻璃聲響即為鑄造玻璃的聲音,而打出的節奏點和銅管樂器的節奏是對應的,而各個聲區塊節奏明顯, 也顯示在工廠裡各部門是環環相扣,密不可分的。樂曲最後又回到鋼片琴的夢幻音響,進入玻璃夢幻晶瑩 的世界。
  • 第六樂章“躍動的科技 ” 此樂章象徵新竹科學園區科技的日新月異,它的 蓬勃發展也帶動台灣的經濟展望。樂曲由五四拍開始,三連音的頑固節奏貫穿全曲,藉由和聲的張力 及織體的發展變化,作為音樂推進的動力。全曲在漸增的緊湊中,到達一個最大的高潮後結束。