Dance of Fireflies
Marimba solo;    duration: 4'13"
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US$ 35.00

Dance of Fireflies – Program Note

In a midsummer night, the night sky draped low like dark curtains, as I wandered in the forest. I was inspired to write this piece by the lively scene of clouds of little sparkling fairies, drifting and dancing amongst the trees. This one-movement piece begins with the discovery of just few fireflies. They gradually find more and more groups to join in, and finally the entire forest is decorated with thousands of twinkles. The music depicts the exciting scene that fireflies fill the air with acrobatic and aesthetic grace. It also ruminates a poetic and tranquil feeling from the ancient Chinese literature "chasing fireflies with a little silk fan.”

火螢之舞 – 曲解

在仲夏夜裡,夜幕低垂,遊走在森林裡,被這群森林小精靈在山林穿梭飛舞的熱鬧景象所吸引,有感而發寫下此曲。此曲為一氣 喝成的樂章,樂曲一開始為少數螢火蟲慢慢崛起,然後漸漸的發現一群又一群的出現,而至整座山林都佈滿了螢火蟲,描述漫天 飛舞多彩多姿的熱鬧景象。同時也反映出中國文學裡”輕羅小扇撲流螢“的詩情描述。