Program Notes
This piece is for piano concertino. The motive of this piece is based on the
Mexican folk song "La Bamba". The composer chose to incorporate Fench folk songs and Taiwanese folk
songs to build on the harmony of this Mexican folk song. Because these songs have the same
harmonic progression, the composer tried to communicate that music is the common language of
the world and a bridge of human connection. Music knows no boundary between countries.
It was commissioned by Prof. Haewon Chang for her piano concertino project.
此曲為鋼琴五重奏。此曲動機以墨西哥民謠"La Bamba"為主要素材, 作曲者選擇法國童謠及
台灣民謠旋律建立在此墨西哥民謠的和聲基礎上。因為這些歌謠都有同樣的和聲進行, 作曲者試圖表達
音樂是世界共同語言, 人類溝通的橋樑。此曲為韓國鋼琴家Haewon Chang教授委託創作。