This piece has been premiered by Hotshot Cello Choir at the Black Box in National Taichung Theater on Aug. 14, 2022
Program Notes
This cello quartet includes three Hakka folksongs; "Boat Song", "Sisters-in law go to see the Lantern Show", and
Blossom in four seasons.
此曲為大提琴四重奏, 共有三首客家山歌, 分別為" 船頭歌", "姑嫂看燈"及" 四季花開"。
船頭歌又名船夫歌或撐船頭, 描述撐船人悠然自得的心境, 姑嫂看燈又名姑嫂觀燈, 為流傳甚久的客家小調,
四季花開為江南民歌小調, 描述寶島四季如春, 百花爭艷, 旋律輕快流暢。