This piece has been selected and recorded by Iwona Glinka (flute), Yannis Samprovalakis (clarinet), released in 2021 on Phasma Music label.
Program Notes
This flute and clarinet duet was inspired by Greek mythology " Hades and Persephone"
The flute represents the goddess Demeter and the clarinet Hades. As Hades kidnapped
Persephone, Demeter demanded the release of her daughter. The dialogue is at times
volatile, persuasive, vociferous, entangled; leading to a happy ending of peace and prosperity.
此曲為長笛, 豎笛二重奏, 靈感來自於希臘神話黑帝斯與波瑟芬的故事, 此曲中長笛
代表大地女神狄蜜特,豎笛代表冥王黑帝斯, 由於黑帝斯抓走了春神波瑟芬, 狄蜜特便向黑
帝斯請求釋放波瑟芬。曲中兩者之間的對話, 時而波動, 時而和緩, 時而喧囂又時而糾纏,
故事結尾因得到善終, 春神波瑟芬回到大地女神身邊, 大地萬物復甦, 欣欣向榮。