| Nuwa (for 10 percussionists) 11'10"
The score and parts for this string quartet in PDF will be emailed to you within 24-48 hours upon receiving the amount of payment shown on the right. The "buy now" button on the left will bring you to a secured website where you can pay with PayPal or a major credit card such as VISA or Master card. | US$ 78.00 | |
Program Notes
This piece is for 10 percussionists. It was inspired by the Chinese mythology
of the mother goddess, Nuwa in ancient times. It describes the goddess Nuwa
created humanity, nature's elements, and pathed the sky with five-colored
stones then the world bacame as peaceful as it was before. The music consists
of the following five sections to depict the myth:
1. Pangu to create the world-
from the beginning, the timpani and other percussion instruments played slowly
with subtle sounds, as if the universe was shroudedin a dark and turbid atmosphere,
the heavens and the earth had not yet separated, and everything in the darkness and
chaos. So Pangu used all of his strengh to split the sky, then it was separated from
the earth by a loud bang. With repeated motifs, the volume of drum (as the earth),
xylophone and glodenspiel (as the sky) gradually increased to the strongest, to
develope the difference the sky and the earth.
2. Nuwa concocts earth to create human beings and all things in nature: The heaven
and the earth are open, but humans have not yet appeared, so Nuwa used mud to
squeeze out all kinds of people, the composer exploits layers of sounds, shadings of
colors, clustering versus scattering, abruption versus continuation to describe the various
forms of lively and lifelike children, people.
3. The battle between Gong Gong and Zhu Rong: All drum instruments represent the
god of fire Zhu Rong, and keyboard percussion instruments represent the god of water.
Both show their magical powers, and do not give in to each other, causing disasters on
the earth, so they attracted the goddess Nuwa to stop.
4. Nuwa gathered five-colored stones to ment the Pillar of Heaven: The pentatonic scale
played by the Taiko drum represents the colored stones of five colors, and the bright
and syncopation rhythm of the xylophone and the marimba are sung and fused with
each other, symbolizing that the gap of the sky is sewn.
5. All things are peaceful: The earth returned to peace and harmony again, without disputes,
and finally disappeared in the distant wind chimes.
This piece was commissioned by Ju Percussion Group in 2020.
此曲為10人打擊樂作品, 靈感來自於上古時期大地女神女媧的傳奇, 描述女神女媧造人, 創造萬物
並為了解救人類, 用五彩石補天, 使大地萬物再度呈現生氣勃勃的景象。本曲共分為五大部分:
1. 盤古闢天地: 樂曲開始以定音鼓及其他敲擊樂器以細微聲音緩緩奏出, 如宇宙籠罩在一般黑暗混濁的
氣氛中, 天地尚未分開, 宇宙萬物呈現一片混沌, 創世之神盤古因無法忍受自己處在黑暗混沌的狀態, 於是
使出渾身之力, 頓時轟隆巨響便使天地分開. 隨著動機反覆, 鼓類樂器 (表示地), 木琴等鍵盤擊樂器 (表示天)
2. 女媧造人創造自然萬物: 天地開啟, 但尚未出現人類, 於是女媧用泥巴造出各式各樣的小人, 以各聲部不
3. 水神共工和火神祝融之戰: 以鼓類樂器代表火神祝融, 鍵盤類擊樂器代表水神共工, 兩者各顯神通, 互不相
讓, 造成大地遍地災難, 於是引來女媧前來制止.
4. 女媧彩石補天: 以太鼓奏出的五聲音階表示五種顏色的彩石, 和木琴, 馬林巴琴的明朗輕快的切分節奏
相互唱喝融合, 象徵天的一方缺口被縫合.
5. 萬物祥和: 大地再度歸回平靜祥和, 沒有紛爭, 最後消逝在遙遠的風鈴中