The Servant of the Lord
guitar and cello quartet duet           duration: 16'01"
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US$ 66.89

Program Notes

This piece is for guitar and cello quartet. It was inspired by the Book of Isaiah from the Old Testament, which introduced the Lord's servant, the Messiah. The Messiah redeemed the Israelites,completing God'smission with unparalleled faith despitedifficulties. Move by this immense faith, I wrote this piece. The suite is divided into the following movements: 1. The Messiah (Introduction of the Lord'sservant) 2.Glory (The Messiah's workand success on earth) 3.Faith (The contrast between Israel's sin and the servant's obedience) 4.Promise (The suffering and victory of the Lord's servant).


此曲為吉他和大提琴四重奏。靈感來自於聖經舊約中的"以賽亞書", 因有感於書中 介紹了主的僕人彌賽亞, 祂救贖了以色列人, 藉由無比的信心不畏艱難地完成上帝的任務, 而感動於這巨大的信心促使我寫下這首組曲, 組曲分別為: 1.彌賽亞 (介紹主的僕人), 2. 榮耀 (彌賽亞在世上的工作和成功), 3.信心 (以色列的罪與僕人的順從對比), 4. 應許 ( 主的僕人的苦難和勝利)。

"The Servant of the Lord"