| This piece describes the famous military campaign in the Chinese history, “the Battle of Red Cliffs”. In 208 AD, warlord General Cao attempted to invade the Wu Kingdom, bringing his troops over 200,000 soldiers southbound. General Sun of the Wu Kingdom and General Liu combined their forces, fighting Cao with only 50,000 soldiers. The alliance positioned themselves on land and water, fighting with few against many, and converging at the decisive battle site of Red Cliffs. In the end, Cao was completely defeated at Wulin, resulting in the three-way division of the country. The music is consisted of the following parts: 1. Overture – Zhuge Liang prodded General Sun into an alliance with General Liu against Cao’s invasion. 2. The Battle of Changban – impending danger, thunder of the war drums. 3. The Qiao sisters – beauties and the heroes. 4. The Battle of Wulin – burning of the chained war ships, Cao’s defeat at Wulin. 5. The Battle of Jiangling – Cao’s escape from the Wuarong passage, beginning of the Three Kingdoms era. This piece was world-premiered at the National Concert Hall in Taipei, Taiwan on October 17, 2007. It was performed by the Taiwan Wind Orchestra, with Prof. Lian-Chang Kuo conducting. This piece was commissioned by the Taiwan Wind Orchestra in 2007.
此曲在台灣台北市國家音樂廳於二OO七年十月十七日世界首演,由郭聯昌教授指揮 台灣管樂團演出。 曲解 本曲描寫中國歷史上著名戰役“赤壁之戰“。 公元二零八年﹐曹操欲併吞江南,率二十餘萬大軍 南侵,孫吳與劉備聯軍, 以五萬兵迎戰, 水陸並進,以少勝多, 決戰於赤壁,最後曹軍兵敗烏林, 形成三國鼎立的局面。本曲共分為下列部份: - 序∼ 諸葛亮以激將策略,說服孫吳與劉備聯軍抗曹
- 長阪之戰∼ 風聲鶴唳,雷鼓齊鳴
- 大小二喬∼ 美人配英雄
- 烏林之戰∼ 火燒連環船,曹軍兵敗烏林
- 江陵之戰∼ 曹操敗走華容道,三分天下之勢始成
本曲是臺灣管樂團二OO七年委託創作。 |