This piece was commisioned by
Tainan Symphonic Band in 2020.
Program Notes
Written for the festival of 2020 Asia and Pacific Band Directors’
Association, this music was inspired by the scenery and culture of
the old city of Tainan. The musical depiction of Tainan's famous
landmarks and celebrated festivals contains four parts.
1) Firecracker Festival: Glissandos and ornaments of the wind
instruments with random pitches create an effect of simultaneous
explosions of thousands of firecrackers. The percussion instruments
mimic a cymbal and drum parade, reflecting the liveliness and
dynamics of the celebration. 2) Ceremony at Confucius Temple:
A solemn atmosphere of the ceremony is developing under a stable
beat with sustaining chords in the background. Wood wind and
percussion instruments form staggered melody lines. 3) Fort Anping:
With a motif from the folksong “Remembrance of Amping” hidden in
the background, the history of the ancient fortress is revealed.
As the timpani rumbles, other percussion instruments manifest a
strong regular rhythm to describe historical battle scenes.
4) Renewed Impressions of an Old City: Through evolving harmonies
and fast-playing phrases, all instruments contribute to a modern
spirit of the old city, which combines traditions with innovations.
This piece was commissioned by the Tainan Symphonic Band.
藉由音樂來描述台南的著名慶典及古蹟, 此曲共分四個部分描述。1) 鹽水鋒炮:
藉由管樂器不限音高的滑奏及裝飾奏來形容萬炮齊發的鳴聲, 打擊樂器的廟會
鑼鼓陣襯托等來形容慶典的熱鬧非凡。2) 孔廟祭祀大典: 藉由平穩的節拍速度,
長音和聲持續的背景, 木管和打擊樂器散板式的交錯線條, 營造典禮莊嚴肅穆的氣氛。
3) 安平古堡: 以民謠安平追想曲的片段旋律作隱藏式的背景襯托, 揭開古堡的
歷史遺跡, 定音鼓滾奏和強音擊奏的打擊樂器描述曾經的炮台戰火。
4) 府城都會新映象: 藉由和聲的層次推移, 快速音群吹奏, 全體大融合來表達
台南古都的創新風貌, 結合傳統與創新的都市氣象。本曲為台南市管樂團委託創作。